Do these about me examples work for short bio examples too?

Do these about me examples work for short bio examples too?

Hi, I’m Ted! Thanks for stopping by my online dating profile. I’m not the best at describing myself, so I reached out to a few friends and asked them to tell me what I’m like so I could share that with you. Here’s what they had to say.

  • Ted is driven, goal-oriented, and goes after what he wants in life.
  • Ted is a real catch. He’s caring, dependable, and someone who could really be your rock.

If you want to see if my friends are right or they’re just telling me what I want to hear (kidding), we should chat! Send me a message and let’s start the conversation..

Yes! Even if the section isn’t explicitly called “About Me,” these descriptions of who who are work as a fantastic dating profile template. As long as the section is a spot for you to talk about who you are and what you’re looking for, these short dating profile examples will work well.

Things NOT to Put In Your Online Dating Profile: Bad Examples

Writing the best online dating profile is as much about what collarspace oturum açma sorunu you put in your profile as it is about what you choose to leave out. Here are a few things you should never include in your online dating profile. Some of these things should be omitted for safety reasons, some because they aren’t helpful, and some because they’re so overdone.

  • Never include personally identifiable information. You can share contact information or specific information about things like where you work or where you live after you start a conversation and get to know someone. Read more